LeukoBlast! v 0.916

This week we've been able to finish many things we've been working at for the past couple of weeks.

We advanced a lot on the UI:

  • Main menu is mostly finished. We may change some colors, but everything is in place and fully functional.
  • UI colors have been normalized in all menus.
  • Texts have outline and/or shadow to improve readability.
  • Cursor skin can now be changed both in main menu and pause menu.
  • Also, you can now change the cursor color between black and white.

Other changes include:

  • Music volume has been adjusted so there is less difference with the sound effects of the game (we still have to work on this, but it has definetly improved).
  • Malaria now shoots bullets in 360º random directions that infect healthy blood red cells aswell as damage the player.
  • Both malaria and blood red cell's trigger range has been severly reduced.
  • When asterionella's (the first boss) spawners are killed, they do damage to the main boss, but also spawn a small group of enemies. To compensate for this, we have drastically reduced their health.
  • Diffugia makes an animation when shooting a bullet for better clearance.

Our hopes are next week most of the work with sound and UI will be finished. Stay tuned, stay healthy!


Leukoblast!v.0.916.rar 44 MB
Aug 07, 2020

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